Video index
A. Meeting Opening
B. Agenda
C. Superintendent Spotlight
D. Presenters or Special Order
1. Millage Referendum Citizens Oversight Committee - Annual Report - Stephanie Lunt
1. Millage Referendum Citizens Oversight Committee - Annual Report - Stephanie Lunt
E. Consent Agenda
F. Action Items
1. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.43 - Charter Schools
2. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.51 (Safe and Secure Schools)
3. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 3.46 (Collective Bargaining)
4. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.60 (Operation of Unmanned Vehicles-Drones)
5. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 8.34 (Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use)
6. Approval of Professional Learning Certification Program Mentor MOU with NTA
7. Yulee Middle School bus loop canopy
8. Callahan Elementary Parent Pic-up Lane Change Order #3
9. Changing Consortiums to provide ERP support
1. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.43 - Charter Schools
2. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.51 (Safe and Secure Schools)
3. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 3.46 (Collective Bargaining)
4. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.60 (Operation of Unmanned Vehicles-Drones)
5. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 8.34 (Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use)
6. Approval of Professional Learning Certification Program Mentor MOU with NTA
7. Yulee Middle School bus loop canopy
8. Callahan Elementary Parent Pic-up Lane Change Order #3
9. Changing Consortiums to provide ERP support
G. Discussion Items
J. Public Presentations
K. Superintendent Comments
L. Board Comments
M. Attorney Comments
Dec 12, 2024 December 12, 2024 - The School Board of Nassau County, Florida
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Meeting Opening
B. Agenda
C. Superintendent Spotlight
D. Presenters or Special Order
1. Millage Referendum Citizens Oversight Committee - Annual Report - Stephanie Lunt
1. Millage Referendum Citizens Oversight Committee - Annual Report - Stephanie Lunt
E. Consent Agenda
F. Action Items
1. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.43 - Charter Schools
2. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.51 (Safe and Secure Schools)
3. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 3.46 (Collective Bargaining)
4. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.60 (Operation of Unmanned Vehicles-Drones)
5. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 8.34 (Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use)
6. Approval of Professional Learning Certification Program Mentor MOU with NTA
7. Yulee Middle School bus loop canopy
8. Callahan Elementary Parent Pic-up Lane Change Order #3
9. Changing Consortiums to provide ERP support
1. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.43 - Charter Schools
2. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.51 (Safe and Secure Schools)
3. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 3.46 (Collective Bargaining)
4. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 2.60 (Operation of Unmanned Vehicles-Drones)
5. Final Hearing on Administrative Rule 8.34 (Artificial Intelligence Acceptable Use)
6. Approval of Professional Learning Certification Program Mentor MOU with NTA
7. Yulee Middle School bus loop canopy
8. Callahan Elementary Parent Pic-up Lane Change Order #3
9. Changing Consortiums to provide ERP support
G. Discussion Items
J. Public Presentations
K. Superintendent Comments
L. Board Comments
M. Attorney Comments
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